Wednesday, April 30, 2014

10 "Rules" to Help You Stay on Track to Eating Healthy

I think most of us have the desire to be healthy and actually make effort in doing so. I know that one of my biggest problems in the past has been not knowing exactly what I needed to do to have a healthy diet. Which is why I always ended up trusting some crazy diet plan already made. Recently, when Jess and I went to Veo Clinic and received our diet and fitness plans we got a lot of great information. I think it is important that we all have the knowledge of why we are doing what we are. It makes it WAY easier to follow a health plan if you understand why you are eating a certain way. The following 10 "RULES" are simply guidelines that will help you to get started in eating healthier.

1. You need to eat every 2-4 hours. 

I know this seems like a lot, and it is. But you never want to allow your body to actually get hungry. Hunger causes your body to store fat, along with causing an unhealthy fluctuation of your blood sugar.
*Keep in mind these aren't all crazy big meals, these can be small simple snacks.

2. Eat correct portion sizes.

This seems easy enough, the hardest part is knowing how big of a portion you personally need. Go HERE to find what portion size is right for you.

3. Every time you eat a Carb you MUST combine it with a protein. This is crucial people, so don't mess this rule up. You need the protein to keep your body making energy. 

*If you don't know that fruits and vegetables are considered a Carb or that Nuts are actually a fat not a protein then please read THIS post to help you know what a true carbohydrate and a true protein are.

4. Read nutrition labels so you really know what you are putting into your body. 

By quickly looking at a food label you can distinguish whether the food is a carbohydrate, fat, or a protein.

5. Subtract Fiber grams from the total amount of Carbohydrates to calculate True Total Carbohydrate grams. See Example Above.

6. Eat within 15-20 minutes of when you wake up to get your metabolism going. 

This one is really hard for me because I don't feel like eating for quite awhile after getting up in the morning. So what I usually do is make a small shake using a meal replacement powder called Pearl. This stuff is yummy! It has TONS of protein and is low in carbs. I also really like it because the powder mixes really well in shaker bottles, unlike some other stuff I've used in the past. I completely recommend checking this stuff out, you can buy it online HERE. AND you can use discount code: kelsie20 to get 20% OFF THIS PRODCUT!!!

7. Drink water! 

Rule of thumb is 1 quart for every 50 lbs. of body weight daily. This is MINIMUM.

8. Drink fluids away from your meals. 

Drink as much as you would like prior to eating a meal, but once you begin to eat don't drink any more. Drinking with our meals dilutes enzymes needed to break down food causing us to be bloated and gain weight.

9. Do not snack mindlessly. 

Don't let yourself get hungry where this will happen. Remember rule #1? Eat every 2-4 hours.

10. Take alcohol and/or soda out of your diet.

Easy enough right? Hopefully you found some of this helpful. I know personally I have and it really has helped me to shape a healthy diet for myself and know that I am helping my body burn more fat just by eating the right things. 

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