Sunday, May 4, 2014

90 Day Challenge-Do What is Best for YOUR Body

In our pursuit of a healthy life, Kelsie and I have found an extraordinary clinic that we feel has goals that line up with ours. The clinic is about getting the nutrition your body needs in a natural way. They have everything from supplements to help compensate for the lack of nutrition in the current American diet to natural Botox. They also have some extraordinary services including the 90 day challenge that Kelsie and I have decided to participate in. This program is amazing and targets all areas of your life to help get you in the best and healthiest shape of your life.
Our journey to a healthy better life begins with a visit to Dr. Allan Millet of Veo Clinic. To begin our visit we did a Zyto scan. If you have ever heard of muscle testing, the zyto scan is a computer operated muscle tester. It is amazing what the Zyto can read about your body. This scan evaluated what foods are ideal for our bodies and which are detrimental to our healthy goals. This scan also identifies any systems that are “out of whack”. For me, my system was in over all good health. I had a strain of yeast in my body that needs to be resolved and one of my vertebrae needed to be adjusted. After taking the scan we then had Dr. Allan muscle test us through some chiropractic magic J, Dr. Allan was able to find the amounts of exercise our bodies needed, the types of foods we needed to stay away from and what supplements would be helpful to us. 
I will go through each of these things in detail throughout our blog and let you know how it is going.
Overall I am excited to be learning about what vitamins my body needs and what diet best fits my body type.

I will break down all my results for you:
Exercise: 4 days a week 40 minutes, 15 of which need to be weights
Diet: unlimited vegetables, two servings of fruit a day, no carbs
Supplements: 2 servings of Pearl (protein mix), 1 serving of Momentum (energy pre workout drink), Burn (metabolism support), Prep Tonic (general detox), and finally Feme (female support), once I am finished with the Prep Tonic I will begin my Candida detox.

*all of these products are either Veo products or Natural Botanicals and can be bought online here or here.

The protocol is to do this diet and exercise plan for 4 weeks and then come get re-evaluated. At that point our diet/exercise may or may not change depending on what our body wants.
What is really interesting about mine and Kelsie’s supplement/ diet plans is that in some ways they are similar but in others they are totally different. This has really helped us know that these plans are specifically tailored for us. In my opinion that is the best way to make sure you get the best results, do what is best for your body. Not your friend’s body, not your mom’s body, yours.

So, here is my body right before I began the 90 Day Challenge. Stay tuned for 90 days to see the transformation! J

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