Hey friends! So Jessica and I are on our 4th week of our new exercise and meal/plans. Things have been going great, hard, but GREAT. I have had more energy then normal and can tell that my body is changing. Through these past four weeks I have not always been perfect at following my plan to a tee...but that's life right? I have learned though that there are certain things I am doing that together I feel are crucial to losing weight. When I have missed one of the following points I realize is usually when my body begins to plateau or back track. So listen up :)
1. Drink lots of water!!! Water is amazing to your body. I am drinking at least 3 quarts of water a day. This sounds like a lot but it really isn't bad. I have a jug that holds 32 oz. so I know I just have to go through that three times throughout the day. Because I am not in love with drinking water and don't do it out of habit yet I find that making goals for myself is how I can get enough throughout the day. For example; I have to drink my first 32 oz. by noon, my second 32 oz. by four, and my third by the time I go to bed. Maybe I'm just weird..but this seems to have worked for me :)
*Plus, another tip I found works for me...always have a water bottle with you! Take one when you drive to the store, when you go on your walk, etc. You will naturally take sips on it throughout the day, which is actually better for you then chugging it all down at once.
2. Get lots of sleep. I think this is probably a given, everyone should know that sleep is important to restoring your bodies energy and a whole bunch of other goodness. You should be sleeping AT LEAST 8 hours a night. For me this pretty close to impossible since I have a newborn. But you do the best you can when it comes to this point.
3. Eat every 2-3 hours. This is where you feel like you are eating non-stop and that it feels like a chore just to eat. But honestly this is one thing I have found extremely important for me in losing weight. Your body needs to keep up its metabolism. You don't have to eat a meal every time you eat. You could just eat a yogurt, or a string cheese and apple.
4. Eat a protein every 2-3 hours. I know, I know eating every 2-3 hours is already hard enough. But it is really important that EVERY TIME YOU EAT, YOU HAVE A PROTEIN. I know this sounds absurd but a protein will keep you full longer and have more lasting energy then carbs or fats will. Now remember, it needs to be a food that does not just have protein in it, but is actually considered a protein. If you need to refer to THIS POST to learn what is considered to be a true protein, read away :)
5. Exercise. This is just as important as all the other tips. My exercise plan is to workout 4x a week for 40 minutes and 2x a week for 15 minutes should be devoted to strength training. Everyone may need a little variation of this plan based on your body. But overall this would be a good place to start. If you are interested in getting an exact workout plan to match your body call Dr. Millet at Veo Clinic and he can help you out; he has been an amazing help to me and Jess.
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