Saturday, May 24, 2014

Results after just 4 weeks!

Ok, I am somewhat embarrassed putting these pictures up because I DON'T do stuff like this. The only reason I am now is because I feel like it is important that you see that this really is working and you can get results too! (Don't mind all of my lovely stretch guys better love me for sharing these, ha.) The guidelines and rules that Jess and I have been sharing with you from Veo Clinic are great, and a healthy weigh to lose weight. The picture on the left is right before we started, this was 3 weeks after I had my baby boy. The picture on the right is after 4 weeks, losing 6 pounds. You can tell I lost weight in my chest, butt, and stomach. The crazy thing to me is how much better my body looks with just losing 6 pounds. I COMPLETELY recommend taking pictures before you start your journey. I hadn't felt like I had lost weight anywhere except for in my chest until looking at these pictures, and seeing it for myself.

Remember if you EVER have any questions about any of this stuff please feel free to ask them in the comments. Jess and I are more than happy to help you guys anyway we can!

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