Thursday, May 8, 2014

Zumba at Home Workout Video

Ok, I am not going to lie. I LOVE Zumba!! Before I was pregnant I would go to Zumba classes all the time. I really wanted to start doing it again to try and shed some of the baby weight, but honestly I do not have time right now to leave the baby at home and go to the gym. You breastfeeding mama's with newborns can probably relate...or is it just me that hates having to use my frozen breastmilk? Ha. Maybe it's just me...either way though I have found a solution for myself. One day on glorified pinterest I found this Zumba workout video that you can watch online and follow along with. I have seen some before but typically they were only a few minutes long. This one is a full hour!! And it is actually a fun one. I started doing this towards the end of my pregnancy actually, trying to get that baby out (which didn't work) and had a ton of fun doing it. Grant it I never was able to get all the way through it at that point, being 9 months pregnant. Anyways, wanted to share for all you other Zumba lovers out there! If anyone else knows of good at home Zumba videos or others that are free, please share in the comments :) Now go shake that booty.

Kardio Kim Johnson - 1 Hour Zumba Fitness - 2012 September from Don Johnson on Vimeo.

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