Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Correct Portion Sizes for YOU!

This has always been a question that I have never found a clear answer, until now. What is the correct portion size for me? Because as much as I would like to eat as many mashed potatoes as my husband, I know I probably shouldn't :) Memorize this below picture and you are set! I was surprised realizing how much of everything we really should be eating each meal. Looking back over the past diets I have done and from hearing what the world has to say, it seems like the only way to lose weight is to eat less. This is not necessarily always the case. You will find very early on when changing to a healthier diet plan that you actually have to eat ALOT to get up to the amount of calories and energy that your body needs daily.
Remember you should be eating every 2-3 hours!! This is crucial to your metabolism.
Eating this much can be daunting believe me, it sometimes feels like quite the chore. But I have found that if you PLAN and have prepared snacks ready to go it is a lot easier. Stay tune for meal plans and snack plans...I will be posting them soon to help you guys out :) But for now just memorize this lovely picture. If you have any questions about this diagram or have any suggestions of how you stay on track with portion sizes share in the comments!

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