Tuesday, July 8, 2014

One of the Greatest things I Have Learned on My Journey to a Healthier Happier Me

During my journey with Kelsie I think I have learned several life altering things. I have learned how to manage my diet and make healthy choices. I have larned how to get in a healthy routine and keep it going. I have learned how to blog. :) (thanks Kels). But most importantly I have learned to love myself.  I Know I still have a long ways to go and there will be hard days but I have found my strength. My strength is my family. My strength is the better mom I feel I am to my little girl because I love myself again. I am a better wife who plays with my husband like we were still dating. I think that to have confidence breeds confidence and inturn success.
At my current weight, which is better than I was by far, I wouldn't of been caught dead in a swimsuit let alone a bikini. But, look at me now!
I know I am not perfect but I am so proud of my progress and it only makes me want to be better. Not only for me but for my family. The greatest gift the Veo Program has given me is my life back. :)

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