Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Update and a Dose of Reality

 While on my visit to Nebraska I didn't quite my diet to the T. I also have in the last few days run out of supplements. In particular my Burn, Lipozymes (Promo code: kelsie20) and Female Gland Balance. Here are my results after exercising again and eating healthy again but no Burn, Lipozymes, or Female Gland Balance for the last 3 days.

While I gained no wait during my trip or since I haven't lost any. I am still where I was when I left for my trip. I am grateful I took a picture before I left for Nebraska to remind me of how far I had come with the Veo program. If you ask me I am a bit puffier. I think my body isn't quite as toned as I was before I strayed from the Program. I think I still have made amazing progress and am proud of how far I have come. I have a goal in mind however and if I want to reach that goal I need to get with the program, literally. Kelsie and I are going to go meet with Dr. Allen today to be retested and our diets adjusted. Keep your finger crossed for me that next week we will see some more results :)

Remember, life happens. We all fall off the band wagon now and again but that doesn't mean we should give up and that all hope is lost..There is support out there from other moms who are going through the difficulties of weightloss and great people to lead us to a healthy life like Dr. Allen of the Veo Clinic. Find your rock and your support and cling to it. You can do it. The journey isn't over.

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