Thursday, July 17, 2014

Naturally Getting Rid of a Stomach Ulcer

Hey all. SO I haven't really shared what I have been going through these last few weeks, not because I haven't thought about it. But because I wanted to wait until I could honestly tell you what has worked and not worked for me. 
Before I dive in let me get you up to date. Because I had a more traumatic labor with Greyson I was in A LOT of pain during my recovery. I was taking ibuprofen several times a day for weeks. Like I mentioned in THIS post, I was able to finally switch from taking Ibuprofen to a more natural pain reliever. 
About this same time (approximately 3 weeks postpartum) I started getting extreme pain in my stomach that would appear out of no where and last for hours before fading away. This pain started showing up 2 or 3 times a week. Because I was still in that brand new mommy phase, walking zombie stage of life I didn't spend much time thinking about what could be wrong. My full focus was on this new baby of mine and making sure he was ok, I put myself on the back burner. I also thought that I should just tough it out and it would eventually just go away. This went on for about a month that I ignored my problem I was having. 
By the time I was about 2.5 months postpartum I was still having issues and decided something had to be done. I couldn't take being in that much pain several times a week anymore. I made an appointment to go see a gastroenterologist (stomach doctor) to see if he could tell me what was wrong. I was with the Dr. for maybe 10 minutes at the most. He asked me a bunch of questions and then said I either had gallstones or a stomach ulcer. In order for him to find out I was going to have to go back the next week and have an ultrasound, as well as have a stomach scope. The scope was going to involve me "going under" and having them drop a small camera down my throat and into my stomach. I don't know about you but that was the LAST thing I wanted. I left the Doctor's office extremely frustrated. First off, he couldn't do anything about it for at least a week (probably more since he would have to wait for results), I would have to fast for almost 24 hours, because of the medication to put me under I was going to have to pump and dump for a couple of days, and because of the pump and dumping I was going to need to breast pump A TON to save up so Grey would have enough food. Everything about this visit stressed me out. 
I decided to take a deep breath and head to Veo Clinic to go see Dr. Millet and see if there was anything he could do to help me. I told him that the Gastroenterologist said I either had gallstones or a stomach ulcer. Dr Millet took my arm and muscle tested me, within 30 seconds he was able to tell me that I had a stomach ulcer. No waiting a week, no fasting, no saving up breast milk, and best of all no scope! 
Stomach ulcer's are usually irritated by spicy foods, fatty foods, or foods that are in general harder for your body to break down and digest. The advice I was given by Dr. Millet was to avoid as much of these foods as possible and then to up my intake of Lipozymes (enzymes that help break down fat) and to start taking DiAide Enzymes (enzymes that help the body to break down food). 

It has now been a month since I have started doing this and I feel AMAZING! Honestly, I can't believe how quickly I felt better. In this past month I have only had one, yes only ONE time that I had my stomach pain and it wasn't anywhere close to the amount of pain I was feeling before. 
Dr. Millet truly is amazing and Veo Clinic has been extremely helpful in keeping me healthy and helping me to live a more natural life.

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