Friday, July 18, 2014

Banana Shake Using Pearl Meal Replacement

I am absolutely in LOVE with this shake/smoothie. I have it almost every morning. I love the Pearl from Professional Botanicals, it has amazing nutritional value and the Vanilla flavor is delicious by itself...but also makes it easy to use and add flavor too. This recipe is really really easy....take a moment and watch the video, and if you must go ahead and laugh out loud at how silly I look. I am not one to like being in front of the camera, ha! But I wanted you to see how fast and easy it is to make :)

Also, don't forget that you can buy Pearl Meal Replacement HERE, and remember to use discount code KELSIE20 to get your 20% off your product!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Naturally Getting Rid of a Stomach Ulcer

Hey all. SO I haven't really shared what I have been going through these last few weeks, not because I haven't thought about it. But because I wanted to wait until I could honestly tell you what has worked and not worked for me. 
Before I dive in let me get you up to date. Because I had a more traumatic labor with Greyson I was in A LOT of pain during my recovery. I was taking ibuprofen several times a day for weeks. Like I mentioned in THIS post, I was able to finally switch from taking Ibuprofen to a more natural pain reliever. 
About this same time (approximately 3 weeks postpartum) I started getting extreme pain in my stomach that would appear out of no where and last for hours before fading away. This pain started showing up 2 or 3 times a week. Because I was still in that brand new mommy phase, walking zombie stage of life I didn't spend much time thinking about what could be wrong. My full focus was on this new baby of mine and making sure he was ok, I put myself on the back burner. I also thought that I should just tough it out and it would eventually just go away. This went on for about a month that I ignored my problem I was having. 
By the time I was about 2.5 months postpartum I was still having issues and decided something had to be done. I couldn't take being in that much pain several times a week anymore. I made an appointment to go see a gastroenterologist (stomach doctor) to see if he could tell me what was wrong. I was with the Dr. for maybe 10 minutes at the most. He asked me a bunch of questions and then said I either had gallstones or a stomach ulcer. In order for him to find out I was going to have to go back the next week and have an ultrasound, as well as have a stomach scope. The scope was going to involve me "going under" and having them drop a small camera down my throat and into my stomach. I don't know about you but that was the LAST thing I wanted. I left the Doctor's office extremely frustrated. First off, he couldn't do anything about it for at least a week (probably more since he would have to wait for results), I would have to fast for almost 24 hours, because of the medication to put me under I was going to have to pump and dump for a couple of days, and because of the pump and dumping I was going to need to breast pump A TON to save up so Grey would have enough food. Everything about this visit stressed me out. 
I decided to take a deep breath and head to Veo Clinic to go see Dr. Millet and see if there was anything he could do to help me. I told him that the Gastroenterologist said I either had gallstones or a stomach ulcer. Dr Millet took my arm and muscle tested me, within 30 seconds he was able to tell me that I had a stomach ulcer. No waiting a week, no fasting, no saving up breast milk, and best of all no scope! 
Stomach ulcer's are usually irritated by spicy foods, fatty foods, or foods that are in general harder for your body to break down and digest. The advice I was given by Dr. Millet was to avoid as much of these foods as possible and then to up my intake of Lipozymes (enzymes that help break down fat) and to start taking DiAide Enzymes (enzymes that help the body to break down food). 

It has now been a month since I have started doing this and I feel AMAZING! Honestly, I can't believe how quickly I felt better. In this past month I have only had one, yes only ONE time that I had my stomach pain and it wasn't anywhere close to the amount of pain I was feeling before. 
Dr. Millet truly is amazing and Veo Clinic has been extremely helpful in keeping me healthy and helping me to live a more natural life.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

New Motivation for a Healthy Life

While on a visit to Sophie's Pediatrician I was informed of something great. Sophie can now eat whatever we eat. If it is too big or is something she can't gum then we just put it in the blender. This for me has become a new form of motivation to live a healthy life. If my daughter is eating what I am eating I better make sure that what I am putting into my body is natural and healthy.
Interestingly enough, Sophie's favorite food is surprisingly Mexican food. She loves rice and black bean and especially refiried beans. this has encouraged us to make more rice bowls, healthy casseroles and burritos, all of which we are incorporating more and more veggies into our recipes. I am not saying you need to plan your meals around you baby but take their health into consideration. If you wouldn't put it into their body why would you put it into yours? The mentality of breast feeding mothers have of putting good things into their bodies so baby gets good things shouldn't end just because they no longer breast feed or never could (This was the situation in my case, I was unable to breast feed beyond 2 1/2 months). Our children learn from us so lets teach them that their body is something to be cherished, because in this life we only get one. We should take care of our bodies and only put things in it that build it up. We need to cherish these bodies that carry our children in the womb and in our arms.
That being said, I am no saint nor am I perfect in denying my daughter of treats.

This cookie was a welcome home gift from Sophie's grandpa. And NO, she DID NOT eat that whole cookie.

This is how my daughter eats usually: baby formula with iron, and lots of organic fruits and veggies.

We all want what is best for our children and want them to live great healthy lives. To me this can include treats from grandparents and cakes on their birthdays, Teach your children a healthy lifestyle but also teach them to live and make good choices on their own. If you deny them treats they will never learn to make the healthy choices.

Update and a Dose of Reality

 While on my visit to Nebraska I didn't quite my diet to the T. I also have in the last few days run out of supplements. In particular my Burn, Lipozymes (Promo code: kelsie20) and Female Gland Balance. Here are my results after exercising again and eating healthy again but no Burn, Lipozymes, or Female Gland Balance for the last 3 days.

While I gained no wait during my trip or since I haven't lost any. I am still where I was when I left for my trip. I am grateful I took a picture before I left for Nebraska to remind me of how far I had come with the Veo program. If you ask me I am a bit puffier. I think my body isn't quite as toned as I was before I strayed from the Program. I think I still have made amazing progress and am proud of how far I have come. I have a goal in mind however and if I want to reach that goal I need to get with the program, literally. Kelsie and I are going to go meet with Dr. Allen today to be retested and our diets adjusted. Keep your finger crossed for me that next week we will see some more results :)

Remember, life happens. We all fall off the band wagon now and again but that doesn't mean we should give up and that all hope is lost..There is support out there from other moms who are going through the difficulties of weightloss and great people to lead us to a healthy life like Dr. Allen of the Veo Clinic. Find your rock and your support and cling to it. You can do it. The journey isn't over.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

One of the Greatest things I Have Learned on My Journey to a Healthier Happier Me

During my journey with Kelsie I think I have learned several life altering things. I have learned how to manage my diet and make healthy choices. I have larned how to get in a healthy routine and keep it going. I have learned how to blog. :) (thanks Kels). But most importantly I have learned to love myself.  I Know I still have a long ways to go and there will be hard days but I have found my strength. My strength is my family. My strength is the better mom I feel I am to my little girl because I love myself again. I am a better wife who plays with my husband like we were still dating. I think that to have confidence breeds confidence and inturn success.
At my current weight, which is better than I was by far, I wouldn't of been caught dead in a swimsuit let alone a bikini. But, look at me now!
I know I am not perfect but I am so proud of my progress and it only makes me want to be better. Not only for me but for my family. The greatest gift the Veo Program has given me is my life back. :)

Making Healthy Choices in Not So Healthy Circumstance

While on vacation with my family I was presented with a challenge. My parents attempt to eat healthy and in general are successful. But, it seams that I inherited the notion that "if you are on vacation that means lets eat out as much as possible"! So, that is what we did. While I didn't follow my meal plan the way I should have I feel that I made a valiant effort considering how often we ate out. I also think that Lipozmes ( coupon code: Kelsie20) and Active helped my body break down some of the "not so good" foods I was eating.

The Following are a few tips that I followed in an attempt to maintain my healthy lifestyle.
1.) Choose a protein
   I tried to make my initial choice for my meal based on a protein based meal.
2.) Stay away from carbs
   My family loves Italian food. My sister got a dish that seemed amazing. It was light with tomatoes and basil and chicken, however I knew I needed to try and stay away from the pasta. So, I chose a dish that i think was equally as delicious or perhaps even more. I got a stuffed pepper. It was amazing. This began a trend for me. Stuffed peppers are quite common on menus whether they are bell peppers or something spicier like a poblano pepper. Often times these peppers included rice but this is a better choice than pasta.
3.) Say no to appetizers
   It isn't rude. I promise. My family ordered flat bed pizzas for an appetizer. It is easy to refuse. Simply blame it on ordering a large meal. Let them know you are saving room for your meal. This is a good choice anyways since most servings at restaurants are far beyond the needs of one person.
4.) You do not need dessert
   Just say no to the waiter when they return to ask about dessert. I let the waiter take ALL the menus once we are done ordering our meal. This way I am not perusing the menu for dessert while I am hungrily waiting for my meal. I also have my card ready or method of payment ready when the waiter comes with the check. This gives me no time to second guess my "no dessert" decision.
5.) Drink lots of water!
   Most restaurants have amazing drink menus. I love a flavored lemonade but I know it isn't worth it. Look at it this way, is it worth the cost to not only your body but your wallet? Water will save you money on your meal and water will help fill  you up before your meal helping you to avoid over indulging.

You can enjoy a night out at your favorite restaurant. Just remember to make good ch-+*`ices and keep your goal in mind. A healthy life is within your reach don't let a bowl of fettuccine keep you from it .:)

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Seeing the benefits of a natural life

So Before my trip I took this picture. It had been 2 months since Kelsie and I began our transition into a healthy lifestyle. I have lost 9 lbs in total and have 11 to go. I didn't do the best at following my new lifestyle while visiting my parents, especially when it comes to exercise. However, I am happy to report that while I may not have lost any weight I didn't gain any either. 
I am quite excited and proud of the effect a natural lifestyle has had on me. I have found not only am I more confident and have found that my body has begun to resemble it's old self but I have found that I am happier and have more energy. I am able to keep up with my very active husband and daughter. I am also a ton more positive. 
I truly believe that my new lifestyle has effected my relationships. I was so much happier and more positive during my visit with my family. The memories we made this last trip alone have made my new change totally worth it. I look forward to sharing my progress with all of you as well as a few posts for advise on traveling with a little one and how to help them be comfortable in a new place. :)

Keeping You and Baby Happy While Traveling

It has been a while since i posted and I have so much to share. I just returned from a trip back east to see my family in Nebraska. Flying with my daughter and staying with my parents I learned a lot about adjusting your lifestyle when you aren't in the ideal situation. This includes for myself and my healthy lifestyle as well as keeping life easy and comfortable for my 9 month old while traveling.
The following is my list of major do's and don'ts when traveling with a small child. Not all of them are things I did right. Many of them are things I would have done differently.
1.) Do not over pack!
   I definitely over packed and it made my life a lot harder than it needed to be. Over packing your checked bag isn't really a big deal so long as you don't go over your weight limit but over packing your carry-ons is a huge no-no in my book.
   With an infant you are allowed your carry-on and a diaper bag. I stuffed both full! The only thing I used out of MY carry-on was a blanket for her to crawl around on (a must) but other than that it was just one more thing to tote around the airport while I carried my daughter.
2.) Check your stroller, car seat and base at the check in counter
  Send all that bulky stuff away as soon as you get there. When traveling around the airport with baby, less is more.
3.) Carry your baby on you
   I used The Chicco Ultrasoft 2 way baby carrier. I carried her facing me which was super helpful if she got scared. She would just bury her face in my chest and hide. Honestly though i think being close to me gave her the confidence to take it all in and be friendly to passers by.
   I enjoyed having my hands free and allowing my baby the ability to move around with out compromising my hold on her. She loved it.
   Once we were ready to board I just took her out and held her on my lap while we flew and stowed the carrier until landing.
4.) Bring a separate blanket only for the ground
  Babies get cooped up and cramped just like us during a long flight. Get to your terminal early so that your little one has the chance to crawl and move around. My daughter was super happy to have the chance to get the wiggles out after a long drive through the airport.
  I think it helped the other passengers be patient with her during the flight. While playing on the ground she was able to give everyone smiles and make everyone laugh, essentially making everyone around her fall in love. :)
5.) Hold on to that boarding pass
   I kept the boarding pass from each flight as a reminder of her first flight. It is something fun to show her someday and is a nice reminder to me that "We made it!"
  The flight attendants were even kind enough to give us her first "wings". :)
6.) Avoid the airport bathrooms at all cost!
   My daughter dad a wonderful trip to the airport, to the gate and then on the plane. We landed and headed to the bathroom to change her. the sound of the driers and the toilets was deafening. it scared the heck out of her and turned a peaceful trip into a disaster. Change your baby where ever you want. it isn't worth freaking them out.
7.) New toys are a must

   I had new toys for the flight there but not back and I could tell a big difference. the toys i brought for the trip home were given to her at my parents so they were new but i think that they need something they have never seen before. And keep it simple. Beads worked better than the fanciest of toys. Let their imaginations go wild and they will stay occupied longer.
8.) Try to get baby to sleep before you land
   My little girl's ears really bothered her during and after our first landing. Sh was awake and drinking a bottle then she had her Binky in but it didn't matter. the second time she was asleep with her Binky and we had no ear problems whatsoever.
9.) Be nice!
   The nicer you are to those that have power over your trip the better your trip will be. I just let everyone know it was her first time flying and I was super nervous. People helped my cover my stroller for storage under the plane, the TSA was super patient of me and demanded other travelers be aware of us. I wasn't even required to remove my belt and shoes at one airport.
   The flight attendants were great too. They even filled my bottles with warm water for me during the flight. :)
  They only make you go through a metal detector, don't pat you down, allow you to bring baby food and even water for baby through security, and they only check your hands for residue. Be kind to them and they will be kind to you.
10.) Relax
   Baby knows if you are stressed. If I was calm, my little girl was calm. If I smiled about something so did she. If you are friendly to people so will she.
   No one likes a crying baby on the plane so just keep calm. Hopefully you being relaxed will translate to a nap for your little one on the plane. It did for me!!

Overall Sophie and I had a great trip and I would fly with her again in a heart beat :)