When trying to change your eating habits they aren't going to stick unless you actually like what you are eating. Look for healthy versions of recipes you already love or just modify the ones you have to fit your new healthy lifestyle.
2.) Make exercise just a normal part of your day:
If you get into a routine where you do morning yoga, end your night with a walk or hit the gym once a day everyday then you will naturally make it happen. Most people gravitate to habit and like to have a routine, especially moms! We are striving for a natural life so lets make it our life! :)
3.) If you "mess up" all is not lost:
We all have temptation. "We went to a wedding and I absolutely love wedding cake." "We went to a movie and I really wanted that oh so buttery popcorn." It is OK! Just keep moving forward with good choices. One moment of weakness doesn't mean all is lost. It is better to falter once than give up the natural life all together.
4.) Include your family/ friends:
When I have others involved to help me stay on track I feel I have to be accountable to not only myself but to them. If I am cooking healthy for my family and they love it and everyone feels better and then I just stop one day, my family is losing the benefits of a natural life, not just myself. Walks with friends are a great way to get your exercise and it helps you feel like you are not alone in your healthy endeavors.
5.) Find a good regimen of vitamins:
Mine and Kelsie's life style changes have been supported by the wonderful supplements provided by Veo Clinic. They have three lines of products: Professional Botanicals, 365 Active, and Veo Natural. All of these products have worked wonders for us. And with Dr. Allen's help we have really been able to pin point what works best for our bodies.
6.) Detox:
I have found that the detox is a great way to jump start any healthy lifestyle. Flush out the bad and bring in the good. I use another Professional Botanicals product, Prep-Tonic Detox.
7.) Find a good meal replacement shake:
When you are a busy mom you don't always get to eat let alone eat healthy. I have found my mornings are the busiest. I am always running or making my baby breakfast and getting everyone ready for the day. I use yet another Veo Natural product, Pearl 2.0. I use this mixed with fruit and berries or other Veo Products like Jade or Momentum 2.0.
8.) Don't skip meals:
Even if you just have to make a quick meal replacement shake DO NOT SKIP MEALS! You want to keep your metabolism up and moving and if you skip meals your body goes into survival mode. Not expecting to eat again, your body then stores energy in fat cells. This makes you gain weight. Get your body used to frequent nutrients and your metabolism will go into hyper drive :)
9.)Don't gauge your success only by the scale:
I have found that sometimes I get discouraged when I think I have done great and I must have lost a ton then I get on the scale and haven't lost anything. I have found pictures are your best friend. Take weekly photos so you can actually see the results and have something to compare them too. Another helpful thing is your clothes. See how your clothes fit. For me fitting into a pair of jeans that have been tight forever is incredibly rewarding :)
10.) Realize you are a WOMAN:
Lets just get to the point. We ovulate. There I said it. We bloat, we have occasional craving and sometimes when we even are in great shape our pants won't fit around that time of the month. As far as cravings go, find healthier alternatives for the foods you love. They may not be ideal but just make sure they are better than that Twinkie you really want.
In the photo below (last weeks updated pic) I am slightly bloated. I felt discouraged until I made my list above. I am a woman and I have made great progress. I will keep truckin' along and work for my goal of a healthier happier me. :) -Jess
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