Monday, June 30, 2014

Postpartum Weight Loss Update: Kelsie Millet

Hey friends! So it has been awhile since I have actually updated you with how I'm doing. This week my little babe will be THREE months old..time goes way too fast! I took my picture this morning and wasn't feeling too confident until I compared it to where I started. You need to take pictures!! You will feel so much better when you can actually see how much better you are doing rather than taking someone else's word for it.

A recap for those of you who haven't followed along...I had a pretty traumatic labor and wasn't allowed to start exercising until 12 weeks postpartum (so almost just barely). So you wonder how I've been losing almost all my baby weight??? EATING HEALTHY and taking all natural supplements to help my metabolism.
Starting 1 month postpartum I decided that if I couldn't exercise I was going to make my best effort to eat what my body wanted. I went into Veo Clinic ( a herbal supplement company/chiropractic clinic) and was muscle tested to see what types of food my body didn't want and DID want.
I was given a diet plan which consisted of drinking lots and lots of water, unlimited veggies, one fruit a day, unlimited protein, and 1-2 servings of carbs a day. The only carbs my body "wanted" when I was muscle tested were "smart" tortillas ( I ate whole wheat tortillas with a high protein count) and sweet potatoes.
Also, I ate within 20-30 minutes of waking up to boost my metabolism and then throughout the day I ate every 2-3 hours. Most importantly every time I ate I ate a true protein with something else or alone.
Along with eating according to this diet plan I also took two different supplements. Lipozymes and Burn, which you can read more about Lipozymes HERE and Burn HERE. These products have been amazingly helpful and are safe to take while breastfeeding. After talking with the owner I was able to get a discount for any of you that would like to purchase these products. Use code KELSIE20 at checkout. Go HERE to purchase. Or if you would rather I can also get you a free sample, if you want to try the product out first. Please email me at if you are interested and I can mail one out to you!

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