My pursuit of the natural life began for several reasons. The first of which was obvious. I wanted to get healthy and fit after having my daughter. The second was something that had effected me since I got pregnant with my daughter. I had experienced some pretty awful skin afflictions. They would come and go but always came back worse than when they were the time before.
This is my face during the beginning of my pregnancy with my daughter. I was about 2 months along. I only broke out a few more times after this but the last time was the worst. I had broken out in painful sores all over my face in a matter of hours. These sores that night then proceeded to burst and ooze. I was in Vegas at the time and just wanted to get home so I did not see a physician and didn't know Dr. Millet at the time. I went to see a doctor who prescribed me a bunch of meds because he thought one of them has to work. I did not feel comfortable with this so I took none of them. After I had my daughter my face was never plagued by these sores again. However my hands were another story.
I began to develop the same sores on my hands (fingers only) that had been on my face. I was unable to put my hands in water hold anything relatively heavy or even wash my hair when I had the break outs.
After I began the 90 day challenge with the Veo Clinic I discovered I had a case of Candida which probably developed after having open sores on my hands for so long. After my general detox and a foot bath detox my hands cleared up.
We got into our house and began working on it and my hand issue returned. With a vengeance. Eager to have this solved once and or all I went to a different doctor. I informed him of my natural life style and told him I will not be pumped full of a bunch of different drugs while we keep our fingers crossed it would work. He agreed and ran some tests.
My health and blood were immaculate. I only had slightly elevated thyroid levels but other than that I was extremely healthy. I know I owed that to the Veo program. My next step was to see my second dermatologist.
What a great visit I had. I went in clear about my lifestyle and what had been going on and he totally respected me and spoke with me to inform me not to only treat me.
I was diagnosed with dishydrotic eczema. This condition only effects that hands and/or feet (my face was affected during my pregnancy because your body basically does whatever it wants when you are pregnant :b) And it is brought on my what else? Stress. I should have known. I have had some crazy stress between raising my 8 month old, buying and remodeling our first home and a few other personal matters.
Due to the extremity of my case I was put on a couple prescriptions to get the breakout under control. Thankfully I do not need to continue to take these medications once my hands are healed which is happening quickly. I have been advised to keep the products i use very natural and to not use anything with extra perfumes or dyes. which is conveniently in line with a healthy lifestyle :)
I am going to investigate a product carried by Veo Clinic that helps with stress. My next post will have some more information for you guys on what I find out and a few other stress relieving techniques I have begun to introduce into my life.
Also, here is my update for this week!!

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