Thursday, May 29, 2014

A little bit closer... big changes

It has been 5 weeks since we first began our journey to health. I am pleased to announce I have lost 6 lbs now in total and am finally starting to recognize myself in the mirror again. 
I don't want to be super model thin. What I want is to be a healthy mom with all the energy I need to play with my little girl and keep up with her as she is getting busier and busier. I have found through this process that I don't just want a healthy life, I want a happy life. I believe that my journey to being happy has begun with my journey to be healthy. 
We all want to be the best we can be. For ourselves, for our kids, for our spouses. When we put bad things in our body, do bad things to it or simply neglect it we are creating a negative emotion which then settles with in us and eventually effects everything around us. We take care of the things we love so why not love ourselves, take better care of ourselves to help find the tools to be better for those around us.
Before and 5 weeks later:


Feel The Burn!

As many of you know Kelsie and I are doing the Veo 90 Day Challenge. Along with a healthy diet and exercise our healthy lifestyle is supported by natural supplements from the Veo Clinic. One of the supplements I take is called Burn. It is appropriately named since it has high but safe quantities of niacin.
Niacin helps support the metabolic process. It is an essential vitamin also known as B3 that has an indirect impact on weight loss. Essentially if you want to lose weight you need to develop a healthy lifestyle and change you habits. You need to eat healthy and exercise. Burn will only support this change and help you see better results. 
A side effect of taking Burn is actually referenced in the name. Burn. Some may see the Niacin Flush as a result of taking Burn. THIS IS OK. I panicked the first time I flushed. I thought I was having some crazy allergic reaction. I felt hot and my skin turned red. I felt my heart rate increase slightly. I was concerned it was going to get worse but as I experienced the flush it went as quickly as it came. 
After I experience the Niacin Flush I honestly feel great. I feel like my lungs have opened up, I have more energy and I feel like even my skin is brighter.

Niacin can help flush out toxins in the system which coupled with supporting you metabolism gives you a real recipe for weight loss success.
I can say that changing my lifestyle, incorporating some healthy supplements coupled with Burn has really helped me. Burn has given me more energy than ever.
*You can visit the Livestrong website for more information: Livestrong: Niacin and Weightloss

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Light Summer Salad/Wrap Recipe

I found this recipe about a year ago when I was eating Paleo and I fell IN LOVE with this dressing. It is delish!!! I recently made it again and was reminded of how yummy and easy this is, and is now becoming an easy go to lunch recipe.With this recipe you can either create it as a wrap, by using a big leaf of Romaine lettuce and putting all the goodness inside. Or if you prefer you can cut up the Romaine and add everything as a topping. I do both just depending on my mood!

Light Summer Salad/Wrap Recipe:

1/2 cup chopped chicken (I usually season my with black pepper and a pinch of salt)
1/2 chopped fuji apple (or apple of your preference)
1/3 cup of blueberries
1 Tbsp of slivered almonds

2 Tbsp Agave Nectar
2 Tbsp Almond Butter

**Sometimes instead of blueberries in my salad I will use grapes. Also, if you don't have Agave Nectar you can also use natural honey.

You will love this!! So YUMMY.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

My Top Five Outdoor Hot Spots In and Around Ogden

If you have been following the blog you know that Kelsie and I are big fans of the outdoors. Beginning our journey to health couldn't have come at a better time- SUMMER! I have been so excited to get back out in nature and have fun while working out. I recently visited one of our favorite spots- Waterfall Canyon. I'll go into detail why these are my favorite places. Some are for the whole family but I threw some in that would be excellent for older children or would make a great outing for just the adults. *these are in no particular order by the way, they all have their own appeal in my opinion.
1. Waterfall Canyon:
This hike is definitely an attraction to one and all here in Ogden. You will meet people of all types on this gorgeous hike. It doesn't sound ideal, hiking with a bunch of strangers but it is honestly a lot of fun. People are incredibly courteous and always willing to lend a helping hand especially on the last stretch. My husband and I always to try to encourage first timers that seem to be struggling. We let them know it is well worth the effort. The reward at the top is a gorgeous 200 foot waterfall that comes right out the canyon. While challenging, with a few breaks this hike can be done with some of the smaller children. Just have patience and enjoy the climb. :)

2. Wheeler Canyon:
This canyon has such versatility. It has been a favorite for many things including biking, hiking and even family pictures. The canyon is just inside Ogden Valley. It is quite secluded and honestly if you didn't know it was there you would drive right past it. This is a another hike that would be great for small kids. You can make the hike as long as you want or as long as you want. If you take the entire trail you will pop out at Snow Basin Resort. My husband and his friends have biked this trail as well. This definitely raises the difficulty of the trail but that is one of the beautiful things about his trail. the versatility. My family and I have even taken our family pictures at the beginning of the trail head. Gorgeous at any time of year, this is definitely a destination close to home none should miss out on.

3. Snow Basin:
This is a biking trail for older kids and adults only. My husband and I took up mountain biking the first summer we were married and this became one of our favorite mountain biking trails. Now, my husband frequently bikes this trail with his close friends including Kelsie's husband Erick. I enjoy this trail personally because it is mostly shaded which keeps you somewhat cool during a ride on a hot summer day. The path is well maintained and offers amazing views along the way.

4. Trail heads from 20th down to Waterfall Canyon
The beauty of Ogden is that you have the convenience of the city with the freedom of the outdoors. Many homes are minutes away from the grocery store and just as close toe trials that make you feel like you are anywhere but in the city. Most trails in Ogden all intertwine and meet up in the same place. Bonneville Shore Line trail. The trail is huge but I have found that i enjoy most the trails that are easily accessible with my family including my baby girl. There are so many trial heads that you can keep from getting bored and try a new one until you find the trail the fits you best. In all, Ogden trails rock!

5. 12th Street Parkway
The most family friendly trail I have found has to be 12th Street Parkway. This trail is paved and runs through Ogden along the Ogden river. It is a perfect place for taking your little ones on  their first bike ride. There is also a great park located midway along the trail. This park is perfect for picnics or playing with the little ones on the jungle gym. finally towards the end of the trail is one of my favorite restaurants that is unique to Ogden; Slackwater Pizza.

These are just a few of the great places here in Ogden. All you have to do is look and you can find wonderful outdoor activities and places to escape. You just have to look. But if you are right here in Ogden then here is a head start for you in you outdoor experience.

What Kind of Toothpaste Are You Using?

I ran across this picture and I never knew this about toothpaste! Super crazy...and good to know, thought I would share :)

I know it is a little hard to read so for those that have bad eyes ;)

Green: Natural
Blue: Natural + Medicine
Red: Natural + Chemical composition
Black: Pure Chemical


Results after just 4 weeks!

Ok, I am somewhat embarrassed putting these pictures up because I DON'T do stuff like this. The only reason I am now is because I feel like it is important that you see that this really is working and you can get results too! (Don't mind all of my lovely stretch guys better love me for sharing these, ha.) The guidelines and rules that Jess and I have been sharing with you from Veo Clinic are great, and a healthy weigh to lose weight. The picture on the left is right before we started, this was 3 weeks after I had my baby boy. The picture on the right is after 4 weeks, losing 6 pounds. You can tell I lost weight in my chest, butt, and stomach. The crazy thing to me is how much better my body looks with just losing 6 pounds. I COMPLETELY recommend taking pictures before you start your journey. I hadn't felt like I had lost weight anywhere except for in my chest until looking at these pictures, and seeing it for myself.

Remember if you EVER have any questions about any of this stuff please feel free to ask them in the comments. Jess and I are more than happy to help you guys anyway we can!

Monday, May 19, 2014

A Good Place to start

Since we are all different and all our bodies require different things I have decided to compile a basic shopping list and meal plan that is in general a good plan for anyone. Some may need to change this plan based on their needs (for example if you have a gluten allergy or even a dairy allergy). I found all my recipes on Pintrest. Gotta love Pintrest ;)

-         6 bananas
-         5 avocados
-         3 yellow onions
-         8 carrots
-         4 celery
-         11 red potatoes
-         2 red bell peppers
-         1 green bell pepper
-         1 yellow bell pepper
-         4 oranges
-         4 tomatoes
-         4 cans of chicken
-         Chuck roast
-         Turkey Sausage
-         Low fat vanilla yogurt
-         Pepper jack cheese
-         1 carton of eggs
-         Sara Lee 45 calorie bread
-         Granola
-         Tortillas
-         Natural peanut butter
-         Brown rice
-         6 chicken breasts
-         Mixed stir fry  veggies
-         Frozen blueberries
-         2 Campbell’s or Progresive low sodium soup
-         1 can of corn
-         1 can of black beans
-         1 jar of salsa
-         Rice vinegar
-         Worcestershire
-         BBQ sauce
-         Olive oil
-         Teriyaki sauce
-         Honey
-         Onion soup mix
-         Taco seasoning
-         Salt and pepper
-         Italian seasoning
-         Cinnamon
-         Peanuts
-         Cashews
-         Almonds
-         Apples
-         Bananas
-         Apricots
-         Carrots
-         Zucchini
-         Green beans
-         Coconut oil

Gashouse Egg:                                            
-         Egg
-         Sara lee 45 calorie bread
-         Pam/ cooking oil
Toast and Peanut butter:
-         Sara lee 45 calorie bread
-         Natural Peanut butter
Yogurt and granola:
-         Low fat vanilla yogurt
-         Granola
Scrambled Egg sandwich:
-         Eggs
-         Pepper jack cheese
-         Sara Lee 45 calorie bread
Banana and protein shake:
-         Banana
-         Pearl 2.0

Can of soup:
-         Campbell’s soup or progressive (low sodium!)
Healthy chicken salad:
-         Avocado
-         Canned chicken
-         Rice vinegar
-         Sara lee 45 calorie bread
Banana and PB roll up:
-         Natural peanut butter
-         Banana
-         Tortilla
Mexican chicken salad:
-         Canned chicken
-         Can of corn
-         Can of black beans
-         Avocado
-         Salsa
-         Tortilla

Pot roast with veggies:
-         Chuck roast
-         Worcestershire sauce
-         Onion soup mix
-         Onion
-         Carrots
-         Celery
-         Red potatoes
-         2 chicken breasts
-         Tortillas
-         Salsa
-         Taco seasoning
-         Onion
-         Red bell pepper
-         Green bell pepper
-         Yellow bell pepper
BBQ chicken with pepper jack cheese and potatoes:
-         2 chicken breasts
-         BBQ sauce (sweet)
-         Pepper jack cheese
-         4 red potatoes
-         Olive oil
-         Salt and pepper
Lazy Day Casserole:
-         Sausage
-         Red Potatoes
-         Carrots
-         Onions
-         Red bell pepper
-         Italian seasoning
Teriyaki Stir Fry:
-         2 chicken breasts
-         Frozen mixed stir fry veggies
-         Brown rice
-         Teriyaki sauce

Fruit/ veggies:
-         Bananas
-         Apples (whatever is on sale)
-         Oranges
-         Sliced tomato with salt
Mixed nuts:
-         Peanuts
-         Cashews
-         Almonds
Dried fruit:
-         Apples
-         Bananas
-         Apricots
Dried veggies:
-         Carrots
-         Zucchini
-         Green beans
Bananas and honey:
-         Banana
-         Honey
-         Cinnamon
Frozen Blueberries and yogurt:
-         Frozen blueberries
-         Low fat vanilla yogurt

-         honey